masks and me?!!
been thinking about the mask situation, and I've come to realise I've never
really stopped wearing one over the last few months.
People say "how are you? your looking well",and you reply with "yep, fine,
feeling allright really"and I've now convinced myself that I do feel OK,
so much so that I actually do feel OK (most of the time)
I used to be in to Real ale, Adnams,Theakstons,Timothy Taylor,etc and
another thing I get asked is "when can you have a drink again?"
Well, Sue usually answers that one for me before I get to open my mouth.
We now have 7 types of Tea in the cupboard, from Yorkshire breakfast tea
to Chinese green and herb teas called "Tranquility,"which I drink with a
spoon of honey at bedtime,they dont work, I still sometimes reach for the
I've decided to include a photo, it was taken 2 years ago at my graduation, a year before I went to the docs with chronic indigestion and walked out with hep c, I've decided to show me, my face of hep c ! because the idea of it being a junkie disease, like hiv was a gay disease, needs to be debunked, and the more of us that shout it out the better, so there.
Folks I am now on count down, 14 more injections to go, the last one of which is on Feb the 16/2007, aint that cool!!! and 2months after that, on April 19, I will be 50, scarey, what ! going to have to do something to mark my half centuary on this planet, perhaps become a "born again biker"and get a Triumph Rocket 3, or sell the house and get a camper van,me and sue,wont tell the kids though, they can find out when the come home from school/work and find someone else living here
Anyway folks, my track to leave you with is for every one in the hep c community and any one who needs a shoulder to lean on,....The Beatles,...With a little help from my friends
Take it easy, kill the Beast, and BLOODY smile while your doing it.......Cheers